The Bachelor's degree course in Business Administration is aimed at those who wish to acquire in-depth knowledge of the managerial and organizational aspects of business activity and develop the interpretation and decision-making skills useful for solving problems in key business functions. Business administration is understood in a broad sense that views companies not only as producers of goods and services, but above all as drivers of economic, social and intellectual development. The aim of the Bachelor's degree program in Business Administration is therefore to train people who are able to start a business and pursue a career as executives or managers in all functional areas of private and public firms.
For admission to the Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, the program require a secondary school diploma or another equivalent qualification obtained abroad, recognized as suitable by the competent University authorities. Additionally, for admission, verification of personal preparation (as per Art. 6, paragraph 1 of Ministerial Decree 270/04) is carried out through the CISIA test or equivalent tests. The Study Program Council publishes on the Study Program website the type of test and the passing threshold required for a positive verification. If the personal preparation verification is not positive, additional educational obligations (OFA) will be assigned, which must be fulfilled in the first year of the course. The methods for addressing any deficiencies in initial preparation are published on the Study Program website.
For the purpose of fulfilling the OFA requirement, subject to the overall assessment by the referring teacher, students must demonstrate that they have acquired knowledge at least on the following topics specified in the Mathematics for Business course:
Solution of equations and inequalities;
Elements of analytic geometry.
In case of failure to fulfill the OFAs, the student will be enrolled in the first year as a repeater.
The information about TOLC/OFA in English is finally online at the link: The information has been added to the menu on the "Study with us" page aimed at international users and can also be accessed through the "English version" link in the "TOLC" section in Italian:
The Bachelor's Degree in Business Management, introduced in the 2014/15 academic year, aims to train individuals capable of creating and pursuing a career as an executive or manager in any functional area of private and public firms. The Bachelor's degree program in Business Management is therefore designed for those who wish to acquire a thorough understanding of the strategic, organizational, and managerial aspects of business activities and develop interpretive and decision-making skills useful for solving problems in key business functions. Business management is understood in a broad sense, viewing businesses not only as producers of goods and services, but also as engines of economic, social, and intellectual development. The Bachelor's Degree program is structured into the following curricula: 1) curriculum in Italian language; 2) curriculum in English language.
Career opportunities and professional activities for the Bachelor's Degree in Business Management can be grouped into three main areas:
Managerial roles in various firms
Business consultant in various areas of business management
Employee in economic, administrative, and managerial roles in the private, public, and non-profit sectors